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Short path distillation gets its name because the distillate vapor has to travel a very short distance in this process. It is a highly efficient separation technique used widely in the cannabis industry to produce high-quality extracts and compounds. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss short path distillation for producers. We will cover its fundamental principles and practical applications to share valuable insights into the short path distillation process and equip you with the knowledge to set up and operate your equipment.

Understanding Short Path Distillation

Short path distillation is a specialized form of distillation usually used for separating and purifying substances with low boiling points. This method is used in the cannabis industry because it is suitable for high-purity products, such as in the production of essential oils, pharmaceuticals, and specialty chemicals.

The fundamental principle behind short path distillation lies in its unique apparatus design. It minimizes the distance between the heating element and the condenser. This short path from vapor formation to distillate collection offers several advantages:

  1. Reduced thermal degradation: Utilizing low temperatures helps preserve the integrity of heat-sensitive compounds.
  2. Enhanced efficiency: The short distance allows for quick vaporization and condensation, improving the overall efficiency of the process.
  3. Higher purity: The reduced path length can significantly minimize the chance of unwanted reactions or contamination during the distillation process.

The short path distillation works on the principle of differential vaporization. Substances with lower boiling points vaporize first; using the equipment, they are quickly condensed and collected in pure form, while higher boiling point components remain in the distillation flask. 

How Short Path Distillation Works

How Does Short Path Distillation Works
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Let’s detail how short path distillation works, breaking down the entire process into individual steps and how each step contributes to the whole process: 

  1. Heating: The source mixture of cannabis to be distilled is placed inside a boiling flask.  The mixture is heated to its boiling point using a heating mantle or similar device with precise temperature control.

  2. Vaporization: As the temperature rises, the cannabis components with lower boiling points vaporize, first rising and entering the condenser tube.

  3. Condensation: The vaporized molecules quickly travel to the cooled condenser tube. In the condenser, the vapor is rapidly condensed back into liquid form.

  4. Collection: The condensed liquid flows down the condenser and is collected in a receiving flask in the purest form. There can be more than one collection of flasks in a more sophisticated short path distillation equipment.

  5. Vacuum application: A vacuum pump can be used to lower the boiling points of the compounds. Distillation can be carried out at lower temperatures by lowering the boiling point to protect heat-sensitive materials further.

The process is simple but requires precise temperature control for heating and condensation. The efficiency of short path distillation lies in its ability to perform these steps rapidly and with minimal material loss.

Components of a Short Path Distillation Setup

A typical short path distillation setup consists of several essential components. Here are the most crucial elements that facilitate the distillation process:

  1. Heating Mantle: Most distillation equipment has heating mantles that provide controlled and even heating to the boiling flask.
  2. Boiling Flask: Heat resistance boiling flasks contain the mixture to be distilled. The boiling flask has a round bottom for even heat distribution.
  3. Distillation Head: A specially designed cork-like head connects the boiling flask to the condenser. It also includes a thermometer port for temperature monitoring.
  4. Condenser: A cooled chamber condenses vapors back into liquid form. Typically, short path distillation equipment has a cold finger condenser.
  5. Receiving Flasks: This flask with a flat base collects the distilled fractions as they condense. 
  6. Vacuum Pump: It is used to suck the air out of the boiling flask to create reduced pressure in the system, lowering boiling points and enhancing separation.
  7. Thermometer: For precise temperature monitoring, the thermometer is used for both boiling and condensation temperature control.
  8. Vacuum Gauge: Measures and helps maintain the desired vacuum level.

Enthusiasts and producers should understand the function of each component is essential. Generally, a short path distillation kit has all these components that provide high efficiency and precision.

Master Short Path Distillation with Confidence

Connect with Root Sciences to optimize your distillation process.

Short Path Distillation Setup: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting up short path distillation equipment requires understanding the apparatus, attention to detail, and a systematic approach. While the accurate steps of setup will depend on the kind of short path distillation kit you have, here are the common steps to ensure a proper setup:

Position the heating mantle on a stable surface, ensuring it’s level and secure. You must also grease all the equipment connections to provide a vacuum seal. 

Attach the boiling flask to the heating mantle, ensuring it’s seated properly. Connect the distillation head to the boiling flask, providing a tight seal. Attach the condenser to the distillation head, aligning it properly to ensure the distillate drops fall into the receiving flasks. Secure the receiving flask to the condenser outlet firmly.

The next step is to attach the vacuum pump to the system and turn on the pump; if all the connections are leak-proof, the gauge should show <50 millitorr (microns) in 5-10 minutes. 

Connect the cooling system to the condenser and align it properly to ensure the proper flow of distillate. Typically, a temperature between 0 to 25 degrees is adequate for distillate cooling, but you should ensure it doesn’t drop below 0 as it can degrade the quality.

Double-check all connections and seals before starting the distillation process. The boiling temperature you need to maintain will depend on the cannabinoid extracts you want to distillate. 

Common setup mistakes to avoid:

  • Use a thermometer for precise temperature control of the equipment 
  • Make sure the build material of the short path distillation kit is non-reactive so it doesn’t contaminate the distillate
  • Neglecting to grease ground glass joints properly can compromise the integrity of the system 
  • Overlooking small leaks in the vacuum system

By following these steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can easily ensure that the short path distillation setup is ready for optimal performance.

Types of Short Path Distillation Units: Benchtop vs. Wiped/Thin Film Distillation Systems

Short path distillation equipment comes in various forms, with benchtop units and wiped/thin film systems being the most common. 

Usually, lab distillation equipment is a benchtop design that is highly flexible and easy to use. They have no moving components and need less calibration. On the other hand, wiped/thin film systems are industrial-scale short path distillation units with a rotating wiper blade that ensures proper heat transfer in the source material and minimizes residence time. 

Here’s a comparison of these two types:


Benchtop Short Path Distillation

Wiped/Thin Film Distillation Systems


Small to medium

Medium to large


Lower end product

Higher produce

Heat Sensitivity

Excellent for heat-sensitive materials with precise temperature control

Good, but may expose cannabis material to more heat

Operational Complexity

Simpler to operate

More complex, requires more expertise for handling industrial grade equipment


Generally lower

Higher initial investment


More versatile for various applications

Specialized for high-volume production for a limited extracts

Residence Time

Longer residence time

Very short residence time


Easier to clean and maintain

More complex maintenance requirements

Pros and Cons of Popular Fractionation Methods

Short path distillation is a fractionation method. It is preferred in the industry because it stands out for its ability to efficiently handle heat-sensitive materials and produce high-purity distillates. 

Let’s explore the pros and cons of each fractionation method.




Short Path Distillation

High purity of distillates 

Low operating temperatures

Suitable for heat-sensitive materials

Efficient for small to medium scales

Limited throughput for large-scale operations

Higher initial equipment cost

Requires vacuum system

Thin Film Distillation

High throughput

Continuous operation ensuring high production

Efficient for large-scale production

Higher operating temperatures

More complex setup requiring skilled staff

Less suitable for small batches as the process can be expensive

Fractional Distillation

Most widely used method across industries 

Suitable for a wide range of materials

Can be scaled up

Less efficient for heat-sensitive materials

Requires longer processing times

May require multiple passes for high purity

Design Considerations for Short Path Distillation Units

Whether you are an aspiring distillate producer or an industrial producer, while choosing a short path distillation kit, consider these factors:

  • Choose a high-quality vacuum system that can effectively lower the system’s temperature. It is crucial for maintaining low pressures and ensuring efficient distillation.
  • Temperature control systems with advanced electronics are essential for achieving optimal separation and avoiding thermal degradation.
  • Short path distillation equipment must be inert such that all components in contact with the distillate must not contaminate the distillate.
  • The design of the condenser should be high quality to ensure the overall efficiency of the distillation process.
  • Any short path distillation unit should be scalable. Consider future needs and choose a system that can be scaled up if necessary.
  • As distillation equipment requires continuous maintenance, look for designs that allow easy disassembly and cleaning.

Customization and modifications can further enhance the performance of the equipment. Choose designs that can add multiple receiving flasks for fractional collection. Implementing digital temperature and pressure monitoring systems can further improve efficiency.

Operating a Short Path Distillation Setup: Best Practices

Some adjustments can refine your short path distillation setup for optimal efficiency. Here are the best practices to implement:

  1. Temperature Control: Start the distillation process at a low temperature. It will prevent sudden boiling or degradation of the material. 
  2. Vacuum Management: Vacuum is necessary for lowering the temperature. Choose a system that allows an easy way to maintain a stable vacuum before heating. Furthermore, you should adjust vacuum levels to fine-tune the distillation process.
  3. Fraction Collection: Change receiving flasks at precise temperature points to separate fractions effectively for high purity. 
  4. Flow Rate: Adjust heating and vacuum components to maintain a steady, controlled flow rate for consistent results.
  5. Cooling Efficiency: Ensure adequate coolant flow to the condenser and maintain consistent temperature to prevent incomplete condensation.
  6. Residue Management: To ensure high purity, always remove residues promptly to prevent buildup and contamination. Also, clean the apparatus thoroughly between runs.

By adhering to these practices, producers can maintain consistency and achieve high purity levels in the short path distillation process.

Common Applications of Short Path Distillation

Several industries benefit from short path distillation. Here are some common applications:

  1. Essential Oil Purification: In the essential oil industry, the process is used to separate and refine essential oils without thermal degradation. It is beneficial for producing high-grade aromatherapy and perfumery ingredients. 
  2. Cannabinoid Extraction: Short path distillation is useful in producing pharmaceutical-grade cannabis extracts. It can effectively isolate and purify CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids.
  3. Fragrance Production: Distilling and concentrating fragrance compounds helps create pure, potent fragrance bases for perfumes. 
  4. Pharmaceutical Industry: Short path distillation is used to concentrate heat-sensitive medicinal compounds, such as purifying active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
  5. Food and Beverage Industry: The process concentrates flavors and aromas and purifies edible oils and fats. 

Critical Challenges in Short Path Distillation and How to Overcome Them

Short path distillation, while highly effective, has some associated key challenges. Here are the most common issues producers face and how to overcome them. 

  1. Maintaining Vacuum Integrity
    One of the common challenges in short-path distillation is maintaining a leak-proof system. A simple solution to this problem is regularly checking all connections, using high-quality vacuum grease, and performing leak tests before each run.
  2. Managing Heat Distribution
    Uneven heating can lead to inconsistent results and distillate quality. That’s why producers must use well-designed heating mantles, consider adding insulation, and monitor temperature at multiple points.
  3. Residue Buildup
    If you run multiple distillation cycles, dealing with residue buildup can be challenging. Residues can accumulate and affect subsequent distillations. It would help if you implemented a thorough cleaning protocol between runs. Use appropriate solvents and mechanical cleaning when necessary.
  4. Optimizing Fractional Collection
    Separating closely boiling fractions can be difficult. If you plan to extract multiple compounds, use precise temperature control, adjust vacuum levels, and consider adding a fractioning column for challenging separations.

Safety Considerations in Short Path Distillation

Depending on the size and components of the short path distillation equipment, you should implement a safety protocol that considers the following: 

  1. Handling Flammable Materials
    Ensure workers work in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood. In the facilities with flammable materials, keep fire extinguishing equipment readily available. Avoid open flames and use explosion-proof electrical equipment.
  2. Managing High Temperatures
    Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including heat-resistant gloves. Train employees to handle heating equipment by allowing it to cool before handling or cleaning.
  3. Ensuring Proper Ventilation 
    As the short path, distillation process creates vapors, it operates in areas with adequate airflow. Use local exhaust ventilation systems when working with volatile or toxic substances.
  4. Vacuum System Safety
    Regularly inspect vacuum lines and connections for wear or damage in order to prevent wear and tear, and use traps to prevent liquids from entering the vacuum pump.
  5. Chemical Handling
    Familiarize yourself with the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all materials. It contains information about appropriate containment and disposal methods for chemicals.


Short path distillation is preferred in several industries because it efficiently produces high-purity compounds while preserving heat-sensitive materials. From cannabis essential oil refinement to pharmaceutical production, the versatility and precision of the process make it appropriate for superior product quality. 

Producers can ensure superior product quality and efficiency by understanding how short path distillation works and its setup. Root Sciences short path distillation equipment with automation and digital controls could enhance precision and reproducibility. Whether you’re setting up a small-scale production facility or a large industrial operation, our equipment can meet your requirements. 

Master Short Path Distillation with Confidence

Connect with Root Sciences to optimize your distillation process.